using System;
public class Program
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("OMg, my first C# program! I'm the smartest man alive!");
Another "hello world" with a supplied variable
using System;
namespace Hello
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hey I made this in Visual Studio 2017 and did it especially for " + args[0]);
/// Now you can run this with something like "Hello mom" and the program will use "mom" as an arg in
/// the output! Ha ha ha! La la la! Fa fa fa! I'm pretty much a master coder at this point.
Yet ANOTHER "hello world" with name variable and feedback on hours slept
/// So in this version of the hello program, we ask the user for his/her name, as well as
/// how many hours he/she slept last night. The user gets a different message depending on if
/// the hours are greater than 8.
using System;
namespace Hello
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Please tell me ya name:");
string name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Hey did you get enough sleep last night? Tell me how many hours (0-24):");
int hoursOfSleep = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if(hoursOfSleep > 8)
Console.WriteLine("You are well rested!");
Console.WriteLine("Dude, you need more sleep!");
Console.WriteLine("Hey I made this in Visual Studio 2017 and did it especially for " + name);
Console.WriteLine("And regardless of if you got too much or too little sleep, you told me you got this many hours of sleep last night: " + hoursOfSleep);
Note to self
I'm writing this note on 10/11/17: I feel like I've gotta stick a bookmark in C# right now. I'm trying to learn this, Python and Powershell and Node at the same time...and my head is spinning. I'm finding the other languages more digestible and so I'm going to focus my attention there first and then come back to C# when I'm a bit more comfortable with coding in general.
I left off on C# fundamentals with Visual Studio 2015, Classes vs Variables